Mark Green Requests Flexibility for School Statewide Assessments Amid Coronavirus


U.S. Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Monday asked U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos to recognize the impact the Coronavirus emergency has had on schools’ abilities to administer statewide assessments.

Green asked this of DeVos in a letter dated Monday.

Per a press release, Green asked that DeVos immediately grant any state’s request for a one-year waiver from Section 8401 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.

“The COVID-19 outbreak is an international health crisis that will require an unprecedented response, and our nation’s schools are facing extreme difficulties in the face of this pandemic, including sending their students home indefinitely. The gravity of the situation schools are facing navigating the COVID-19 pandemic creates an undue burden for preparing and administering statewide assessments,” Green said in the letter.

“No state or district should have their participation rate or absenteeism metric factored into any school’s Academic Achievement indicators.”

Green went on to say that “the health and safety of our students, staff, and their families must remain our top priority. I urge Secretary DeVos to grant this waiver immediately.”

According to the press release, Green discussed this waiver idea with JC Bowman, president of the Professional Educators of Tennessee.

“Rep. Mark Green has been a tireless champion for students and educators during his time in office,” Bowman said.

“We were glad to work with him on this critical issue and appreciate his strong, unwavering leadership to children, schools and the community as we fight this pandemic together.”

As The Tennessee Star reported Monday, Tennessee Republican Gov. Bill Lee said Monday that he wants all school districts in the state to close as soon as possible and to remain closed until the end of this month.

“As the response to COVID-19 evolves, I urge every school district in Tennessee to close as soon as practically possible, with all schools expected to close by Friday, March 20, 2020 at the latest. Schools should remain closed through March 31, 2020 to further mitigate the spread of this infectious disease and we will issue further guidance prior to March 31,” Lee said.

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Sec. of Education Betsy DeVos” by Michael Vadon CC2.0.




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2 Thoughts to “Mark Green Requests Flexibility for School Statewide Assessments Amid Coronavirus”

  1. CollegeGrover

    Thank goodness we have a Congressman who represents working people.

  2. […] The Tennessee Star reported this week, Green asked DeVos on Monday, in a printed letter, to recognize the impact the coronavirus […]
